Letterboxing Stats for The Ws

Friday, February 26, 2010

Doing some of it

Because I sure can't seem to do it all.

Life is....not in the order of prioroty that I would like, but what seems to take control...

Girl Scout cookies


Girl Scout planning

Smelly house

Animals, dog, etc


Food planning

Where did me go....

On a brighter note, I went in again and got my running assessment re-done. You know losing 120 pounds makes you move different. I have been buying shoes about a 1/2" too small and that is probably why, now that I run a bit more than I walk, that my poor little toenails are not very happy and in fact one is turning black and is probably going to fall off. I will get a picture this weekend and show you.

Tonight I am going to SPIN, hopefully. I am going to call the Y this morning and get on the list. That is of course after I get all the cookie stuff done for this weekend.

I am officially now on week 9 of my marathon training oplan and I am trying to follow it more faithfully than just running and walking everyday. I really am trying to cross train and take a day of rest. By day of rest I mean there is not time to exercise, because I am selling cookies all day.

Do you catch a theme here?

I promise to update movement numbers this weekend. February looks pretty good.

And - did you know - Albany is building a carousel. If you have time you really should go by the carving studio and check out all the great work they are soing there. The whole process is amazing.


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