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Friday, January 8, 2010

Go Wear Fit

This is my latest obsession and the funnest Christmas present I could have ever hoped to get. My husband in the best and I am so thankful for him and his love. I was very spoiled this year.

Go Wear Fit is a device made by Body Media. I understand they also make the BodyBugg, a very similar device and the one that is featured on the Biggest Loser.

It is an armband device that you can wear 24/7, though they say you should take it off for an hour a day, and it can't be worn in the shower or pool.

It is measuring my calorie burn, the number of steps I am taking and the amount of time I spend doing moderate activity. If you have display (like I do), you get little notices that tell you when you have met your goals that are set up as part of the online tracking.

So since Christmas I have been wearing my GWF and have absolutely loved the information that it is providing me. After a day of driving and meetings today, I was way behind on my calorie target for the day. I came home and went for a mostly five mile run, with a little walking (thank you Jeff Galloway) and was able to get within 200 calories of my goal and with normal calorie burn for the rest of the evening, I have now met my daily goal.

Since I appear to be a number geek, though I never really thought about it before, but clearly that's the kind of stuff that motivates me, I have had to do some comparisons of calorie burns with different devices.

Yesterday I did a 45 minute workout with EA Active that said I burned 420 calories. GWF said I burned 398. Relatively close considering both are really still just estimates. Today I did another EA Active workout that said I burned 400 calories. GWF said I burned 348. Not quite as close. While running tonight, the Garmin said I burned 587 calories. GWF says 636. Not too far off. I am pleased that there is nothing wildly different with any of the numbers.

I am clearly getting stronger and running feels better every time I go out. I need to buckle down and really figure out which timing I want to target with the Galloway stuff and map out my timelines for the upcoming races. I have plenty of time for the Seattle RnR, but don't want anything sneaking upon me either.

Lots of other things to report on, but this post is about my awesome Christmas present. And because I am so spoiled, I also got a great hat that will keep me toasty warm. I just need it to get in the 20's again to try it, because it is way too warm for this "mild" weather. Jim and Jessica made me a custom golf towel to match my golf bag and I got some running night time safety gear. I am blessed beyond measure.


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