Letterboxing Stats for The Ws

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Life is Happening

It's been a long new year, with some pretty unsettling things happening, but we are moving through day by day and gathering the strength for the battle that lies ahead.

We have learned that Jim's dad has a brain tumor and lung cancer. He has already started treatment and is ready to battle this head on. Right now there is optimism that this has been found early and that treatment can be very successful. It will be difficult. Each person responds differently. We pray for the very best. We will work through this as a family.

I thank God that I am healthy and have outlets for the stress. I continue to maintain my fitness goals with lots of walking and cardio exercise. It is the outlet that keeps the mind from over analyzing everything else.

Kiddo #1 is headed to the spelling bee at the end of the week. I am afraid I have had to let her fail to some degree. She has practiced only enough to get by and only with my prodding. I can't make her want this, so she will have to fail or succeed with what she has put into it so far and learn that she gets out of things what she puts into them. She is beyond smart. Most things come very easy to her. It is hard for me to stand back and just let this one ride out.

Kiddo #2 is in a stage. He is whiney and obstinate. Won't eat and carry's on about every little thing you ask him to do. It is not fun.

Let's rewind a little.

Back to New Year's Eve. Jessica and I ran at midnight and then again at 10:00 on New Year's Day. Both 5k's. We had a lot of fun doing it together. We are considering a track club for her. Not sure whether to go to Eugene or see what Albany might have in a few months.

We went to Finely last weekend to see the birds. Couldn't really see much, but the sounds were incredible. From a distance we saw swans, huge flocks of Canadian geese, and lots of different ducks. But again, the sounds were amazing.

We celebrated TBH's birthday. With lots of different treats and a couple of OSU basketball games.

And finally - it's THAT time of year again. Girl Scout cookies. Pretty sure I'm feeling bad about this, but will eventually get in the groove and be ready for hours on end of standing around in the cold selling the cookies. We have made plans for a two day camping and horseback riding trip in the spring, so we need to sell, sell, sell.

Movement for January.
Miles moved: 94.47
Hours exercised: 35.85
Calories burned: 14295


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