Letterboxing Stats for The Ws

Friday, January 29, 2010

ACS Walk....erm....Jog.....Run...A Thon

Yesterday was Albany Christian's annual fund raising walk-a-thon, where kids are asked to get pledges for how many laps they will walk, jog, run, hop, crawl, etc.

I can say that in the past, I have simply written our donation check, sent Jessica off to school and pretty much forgotten about the whole darn thing. Heck I was too fat and out of shape to even think about WALKING the darn thing without having sweat marks popping out all over my clothes. Those fat rolls are lovely for that kind of stuff.

This year - she asked me to come participate with her. I think more because of the 5th grade girl drama that is going on, but I said sure. I thought at first I was just going to walk slowly around the edge. But then I got challenged by a few kids to see if I could do 50 laps with them. 50 laps in 35 minutes. No problem right. Well...right, it was no problem, now that I am actaully in shape. And if this old lady can convince the kids to try a little harder, that's good too.

It felt wonderful. I felt like I could have run for days. Some running days are just like that. You get into the groove and it feels really good. Some days feel like I have lead in my feet. Especially treadmill days. I really don't like those. Like today. Though I do set the incline at 10. Imitation hill climbing is harder than it sounds.

Stats are now being kept over on the side bar. Along with my upcoming running/walking events. Would love to have any of you join me that want to get out and go for it. I will walk with you...or you can wait for me at the finish line....

January has been particularly good. Rain and bitter cold have not kept me from getting in Garmin miles EVERY day. Along with some treadmill days and lots of cardio workouts, I have burned a lot of calories. Weight loss is slooooow going, but that's okay. I know I am stronger, because the running is getting easier, faster, and endurance is building nicely.

Marathon and half marathon training plans are really useful. Still working on figuring out what a rest day is. My mind just cannot program that concept for some reason.


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