Letterboxing Stats for The Ws

Friday, February 5, 2010

Move Every Day

That's what I say to myself every morning. Today I am going to move. I prefer that movement to be in the form of running or walking outdoors, but when that just won't work, I go for a trip on the treadmill or find a workout to do on the EA Active or something.

For January I found I was able to MOVE EVERY DAY outside. Through bitter cold, rain, and even snow showers. Some days I really did not want to, and some days it felt great. Running is becoming more frequent. Will I be able to "run" and entire marathon? More than likely not, but I am getting stringer and even faster at the shorter distances. Will I be able to run a whole half marathon - that is a definite MAYBE!

This past week marked the official entry into another half marathon. It will be my first of the year and is in April in Portland. That is followed by a series of events leading up to the full marathon in Seattle in late June.

I also signed Jessica and I up for a Truffle Shuffle in Eugene for this weekend. We're running the four miler and are really looking forward to doing the longer distance togehter and are hoping for sunshine. Just like to beautiful weather we had today.

On wednesday evening we joined the Nike running/walking group for a 3.4 mile trek around the river front trails at night. Something we would never do on our own, but as a group with some guys along, it felt pretty safe and was fun doing something at night together.

I am LOVING my GWF and all of the great feedback I am getting about not only my calorie burn, but also the content of my diet tracking is really helping. I finally took the plunge and tried eating MORE food and it has worked. All of the sudden I am dropping these last pounds like crazy. With as much activity as I am putting in each day, I was restricting my calorie intake to too few, and my body was not happy.

We have had some really good news from up north. Jim's dad is through with radiation for now and hopefully forever and is starting chemo. He's feeling pretty good and the doctor's are very optimistic that these invaders have been found early and with these aggressive treatments, he will hopefully be healthy in no time.

We are still studying for the regional bee. Somedays it is like pulling teeth, but it is what it is.

Lots of stats to update for January. I will get everything summarized and posted ASAP.

Coming next - what a day of rest looks like when your body has had enough!


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